OK.....eyes down looking in.....here's the full story
The guys at The Corris Community had already built a base. The base was built against a banking with a layer of 5" thermal blocks laid on top. I wanted to introduce a dpm but was worried about "sweating" so I used an integral waterproofer in a mortar mix and laid a further layer of 5" thermal blocks...
I then calculated the center of the oven and starting setting out the bricks for a 90cm diameter oven with a 18" opening (inches and metric....apologies).....
I then laid the first ring course of the dome and laid the fire-brick hearth inside the ring using a tilers knotched trowel using the homebrew mix of sand, hydrated lime, cement and powdered fire-clay at a ratio of 4:1:1:1 (this homebrew mix was used for the rest of the build)...
This is a picture of Tom who was measuring, cutting, and laying those awkward cuts towards the edge of the dome. A 10mm gap was left between hearth and side of dome which was filled with the homebrew mix.....
The dome formers were then placed on the hearth. These are 1/4 formers which but up to a central piece of soil pipe which makes removal and cleaning easier. Let the build begin.......
4 courses built and the internal arch is laid dry to calculate (in my case... guesstimate) how much to cut off the back of the arched bricks to make a good transition from dome to arch....
When using "the indispesible tool" or a "jig" these bricks can be calculated for cutting a lot easier. When using a form...like me it takes a few trial and error attempts to get this stage right...
When The first full course is laid over the arch, I take a chance and remove the forms so as I can clean the interior...first pull the sleeve out...
...then remove the 1/4 forms....
...then clean the interior....
Replace the forms without the centre pole, make a sand form and keep building....
Thermal blanket laid.....chicken wire added and the vermecrete layer being added..
It ended up after 2 days something like this...
Many more pics to add...entrance arch etc...but I'll do that at a later date.
Please feel free to post comments..ask questions...constructive criticism etc....