Post by slen916 on Sept 21, 2016 11:55:59 GMT
No problem, all WFO information is welcome
Post by slen916 on Sept 21, 2016 21:44:05 GMT
just a couple of pics from tonight, hopfully be over the arch with the next course
Post by slen916 on Sept 30, 2016 14:31:21 GMT
Post by slen916 on Oct 3, 2016 19:33:02 GMT
finished the dome and have a couple of questions,how long do i have to leave the dome until i start curing it and can you use pre lit charcoal briquetts to do a couple of low heat curings,just seems easier to control the heat as i could take them out on a tray if it gets to hot...
Post by leetheldc on Oct 3, 2016 20:30:40 GMT
Great work that inside is a work of art you might want to give the mortar at least a week to dry before fires if you used home brew . The charcoal is a good way to go for the first steps of drying easy to maintain
Post by slen916 on Oct 3, 2016 21:29:04 GMT
thanks leetheldc,will give it until next weekend then have a few small fires.
Post by slen916 on Oct 17, 2016 20:18:46 GMT
started to vermiculite over the insulation,what a pain in the arse....cast the chimney/flue gallery. it came out ok,may need a bit of tweaking but pritty happy with it
Post by downunderdave on Oct 17, 2016 20:31:23 GMT
Nice job, what material did you use to create your casting? Doing it this way allows you to shape it however you like, much easier than doing it in brick.
Post by slen916 on Oct 17, 2016 20:37:07 GMT
i used refractory casable,might need some extra shaping when dry..will have to see
Post by slen916 on Oct 21, 2016 20:43:05 GMT
finally finished vermiculite and fit chimney/flue starter tonight,hoping to have a few fires next week...
Post by slen916 on Oct 25, 2016 19:55:14 GMT
fire number 3 tonight,trying to keep it small with it not going out is a pain... slightly bigger fire tomorrow...
Post by diggerjones on Oct 25, 2016 20:14:05 GMT
Looking good
Post by slen916 on Oct 26, 2016 19:55:57 GMT
another fire tonight a bit bigger than last night. the dome has gone black apart from the the bottom two courses,is this normal when curing. ant advice on where to take temp reading when curing.. half way up the dome tonight was about 210c.this is my 4th fire ,hope this temp is ok
Post by oblertone on Oct 31, 2016 8:34:26 GMT
The black is just soot from burning wood, when fully dried out your oven will become 'soot free' which means it's about +500c and ready for pizza. There is a lot of retained moisture to get rid of first, so don't be too concerned about internal temperatures during this stage; a week of daily fires should get you somewhere near, but the oven will continue to improve over time, just don't rush it at first, tempting though it is. It is important to let the oven cool completely between firings, as this helps extract the moisture. Your oven is beautifully made and well insulated, it will perform well, just give it a little time.
Post by slen916 on Oct 31, 2016 22:11:36 GMT
thanks oblertone, had another good fire on saturday and the top half of the dome started to clear but had a bit of steam on the outside so shut it down. its still warm today so hopefully will be cold tomorrow so i can have another fire with new kiln dried oak logs that arrived today,should be last curing fire then its pizza time...yeahhh